12 Apr Preventing carbon monoxide poisoning- What you need to do
Preventing carbon monoxide poisoning- What you need to do
In Canada and all around the world carbon monoxide poisoning is known as the silent killer. Since you cannot see, taste, or smell carbon monoxide it is very important you learn the signs and symptoms. In this article the construction workers at Andy Crown Construction LTD (ACCL) will go over the signs, symptoms and prevention methods you should take to prevent your home and family from the fatal effects of carbon monoxide.
What is carbon monoxide?
Carbon monoxide also known as CO is a type of gas produced by burning any type of fuel such as; gas, oil, kerosene, wood, or charcoal. This gas can cause illness and death due to it having no color, taste, or smell.
Where and how is carbon monoxide made?
Whenever you burn fuel such as:
- Propane
- Natural gas
- Gasoline
- Wood
- Oil
- Coal
Different types of heaters/appliances that run on fuels, such as:
- Wood stoves
- Furnaces
- Water heaters/boilers
Other sources may include:
- Charcoal grills
- Vehicle exhaust
- Blocked chimney flues
- Generators
Everything listed above is how carbon monoxide is created. These devices can become at risk when they are used in an un-ventilated area such as:
- Campers
- Tents
- Houses
- Garages
- Cottage
- Apartments
What is carbon monoxide poisoning?
If you breathe in too much carbon monoxide it replaces the oxygen in your blood causing carbon monoxide poisoning. Without oxygen cells throughout the body die and organs stop working. Carbon monoxide can become deadly within minutes.
Early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can include:
- Confusion and drowsiness
- Dizziness
- Headache
- Nausea
- Fast heartbeat and breathing
- Chest pain
- Vison problems
- Seizures
If you experience these symptoms and think it could be caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, leave the area and call 911 right away. If you keep breathing in carbon monoxide you can pass out and die.
How to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning?
Listed below are a few prevention steps you can take to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
1. Carbon monoxide alarms
Carbon monoxide can only be detected with a carbon monoxide alarm. We recommend having at least one CO alarm installed in your home. CO alarms can be purchased at any hardware or home equipment store.
2. Safe usage of vehicles
You can avoid CO poisoning by:
· Not leaving your car running in enclosed spaces like your garage
· Not swimming near a slow speed boat or jet ski
· Not sitting in a running car if the tailpipe is blocked with mud or snow.
Knowing the signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide can play a critical role in your family’s safety.
If you would like to learn more about carbon monoxide, or Have questions about how to take care of your roof? or If you need to install Light fixtures, Motion sensor lights, Receptacles, electrical panels, electrical installations, wiring, for your home, kitchen and/or bathroom repair or new installation, please do not hesitate to contact the # 1 Contractor in Ontario, at www.andycrownconstruction.com. Or call us at 416-759- 8567, 905-448-5909, 1-866-701-8484 for an estimate.
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